Vulvovaginitis Prevalence among Women in Gondar | IDR - Dove Medical Press
Background A number of protective Lactobacillus species dominate the healthy vaginal microbiota in most reproductive-age women. However, any imbalance in the naturally occurring bacterial microbiota may result in infections and/or clinical symptoms such as vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), bacterial vaginitis (BV), Trichomonas vaginalis ( T. vaginalis ), cytolytic vaginosis (CV) or aerobic vaginitis (AV), abnormal leucorrhea, increased discharge, vulval itching and burning pain. 1–3 Vaginal discharge may originate from various causes; physiological, infective, inflammatory, neoplastic or iatrogenic. 2 The term "aerobic vaginitis (AV)" was coined in 2002 to meet the need to describe "bacterial vaginosis (BV)", another condition of vaginal dysbiosis. 4 According to Donders et al, aerobic vaginitis is a state of abnormal vaginal microbiota and disruption in Lactobacillus dominance accompanied by more extreme inflammatory changes than BV and the presence of mainl...