Rare Black Fungus Detected Among Dengue Recovered Patients: Risk Factors And Symptoms To Look Out For | Th - TheHealthSite

When an individual gets infected with the virus, the immune response of the body attacks the virus, which in return weakens the body's immunity, thus making the individual more prone to other diseases.

At a time when the world is battling the deadly coronavirus, cases of black fungus, also known as mucormycosis, among recovered dengue have surfaced from some of the states in India. According to the doctors, the patients are gradually losing their eyesight post recovery from Dengue which is a symptom of mucormycosis. After a steady drop in the daily COVID-19 cases from across the country, the staggering rise in dengue cases has become a source of concern.

Recovered From Dengue? You Are Not Safe Completely

Dengue symptoms in patients can range from mild to moderate, only in rare cases, people can develop some of the severe symptoms of the disease. According to the experts, some of the common symptoms of Dengue that one should know are: high fever, fatigue, muscle, bone, and joint pain, rashes, throbbing headache, vomiting, and nausea.

However, there are no known treatments for vector-borne diseases as of now, the symptoms can be managed using medicines that are already available. Though the symptoms are manageable, dengue can actually leave some of the ever-lasting negative effects on the patient's body. These effects post-recovery can lead to complications, such as - extreme fatigue, weakness, etc. Apart from the regular post-recovery symptoms, now experts have stated that cases of 'rare black fungus' are also detected as complications that can infect the patients after getting fully recovered from the disease.

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Why Do Recovered Dengue Patients Develop Such Severe Complications?

Dengue, as discussed above, is a vector-borne disease that usually weakens the immunity of the individual affected. When an individual gets infected with the virus, the immune response of the body attacks the virus, which in return weakens the body's immunity, thus making the individual more prone to other diseases.

Rare Case of Post-Dengue Mucormycosis Reported

Mucormycosis or the "black fungus" is more common among people whose immunity has got lowered due to COVID-19, diabetes, kidney disease, liver or cardiac disorders, age-related issues or those on medication for auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. According to the doctors, Mucormycosis post dengue is a new observation and hence, patients with a recent history of dengue should remain actively updated about their health and consult a healthcare expert immediately after noticing any new symptoms.

(With inputs from Agencies)

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