Weird stomach virus' that isn't Covid making everyone sick or have diarrhoea - My London

If a new variant of Covid-19 wasn't enough to worry Londoners, some people are now reporting a new 'weird stomach virus' going around that makes you poo and vomit.

Omicron's grip on the capital city has caused Covid cases to rocket in recent weeks, but it looks like there might be another virus joining the party.

Taking to Reddit, many Londoners have reported horrendous diarrhoea and vomiting.

READ MORE: Mum, 35, suffering from a stomach bug dies suddenly on holiday

One Londoner asked: "Any Londoners had this stomach virus going around?

"Had pure watery diarrhoea for nearly a week, every time I eat I end up on the loo."

Londoners have reported the bug giving them diarrhoea and vomiting

In reply, another said: "I've had this. It was the worst; the world was literally flying out my a**e whilst I was being sick into the sink, I would not recommend it at all.

"Edit: I had Covid a month ago then two weeks after I had this. My arse was so painful after two days I had to bite a towel just to take a s***e."

In response, the original poster said: "Just literally diarrhoea like pure water, like turning a tap on, mainly every time after I've eaten. Felt a bit achy too."

Another user described their Christmas illness: "Started on Christmas Eve. Woke up feeling sick. Initially I thought I was hungover (strange as I'd only had a few drinks and certainly wasn't feeling drunk the night before).

"Had a McD's breakfast (bacon egg muffin, hash brown and choc fudge latte) on Xmas Eve. Still felt nauseous all day.

"Was vomiting that evening and on Xmas morning. And had diarrhoea. Haven't had any more vomiting since Xmas morning. But, I'm still having watery, smelly, yellow diarrhoea now."

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While another added: "Yep, I had it a month ago - as well as the diarrhoea I had the worst stomach pain of my life for a week, honestly felt like I'd been stabbed with molten steel whenever I ate anything or even bent over or lay in the wrong position.

"I was very glad to get over it!"

Luckily for the people suffering the virus it was pretty clear what the cause might be, and it probably isn't Covid.

One said: "Yeah I had it recently mate, for around a week. I wasn't the same. I'd say after day six I was a little better, I could keep water down and some foods without firing it out my a**e like a Tommy gun. It's rough. It's norovirus 100%.

"It could be anywhere from 5 days till around 14 you'll be okay. Just try to stay hydrated and when you feel a bit better try to eat a little something."

Microscopic picture of the Norovirus

The NHS website says Norovirus, also called the "winter vomiting bug", is a stomach bug that causes vomiting and diarrhoea. It can be very unpleasant, but usually goes away in about 2 days.

The main symptoms of norovirus are:

  • feeling sick (nausea)

  • diarrhoea

  • being sick (vomiting)

You may also have:

  • a high temperature

  • a headache

  • aching arms and legs

The symptoms start suddenly within 1 to 2 days of being infected.

The most important thing is to rest and have lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.

You will usually start to feel better in 2 to 3 days.

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