Irish breast cancer survivors urge others to be aware of warning signs - Leitrim Live

Irish breast cancer patients and survivors are urging others to be aware of the warning signs of the disease. 

The call comes as part of the 'Care for Your Pair' campaign, an early detection initiative which aims to get Ireland talking about breast health and the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. 

Leona Doyle (35) from Co. Tipperary had just finished breast-feeding her youngest daughter when she discovered a lump on her breast. Initially she thought it might be a swollen milk duct and wasn't alarmed.

She said, "It was around this time that the musician Sarah Harding had passed away from breast cancer. I remember reading how she had put off seeking medical attention when she found lumps, so I decided it would be best to get myself checked out by my GP. 

"It was only after I had been referred on for mammogram and a biopsy that I was diagnosed with stage three invasive ductal breast cancer. I am so glad that I went to my GP that day." 

Bernie Sherry (51) from Co. Monaghan was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2020 just as the pandemic got under way. She is happy she pushed to be seen by a medical professional despite disruptions to services. 

She said, "I would like people, especially women, to be kinder to themselves and prioritise their health. I am a mother of two and farmer's wife, I have a very busy lifestyle. Typically, I used be working hard most of the week and looking after everyone else but myself.

"When I was growing up, there wasn't the same emphasis on minding yourself. So I would say to trust your gut, if you notice anything unusual for you, get yourself checked out. You know your own body best." 

Photo: Bernie Sherry

Sharon Greaves (55) from Co. Dublin is one of many people whose opportunity of receiving a prompt cancer diagnosis may have sadly slipped through the cracks during the pandemic. She had only recently become eligible for breast screening when Covid-related service disruptions hit in 2020. 

On a visit with her GP, she was recommended to book herself in for a mammogram. Sharon was in the fortunate position of being able to source one privately, where the imaging picked up two tumours in her breast. 

She said, "The first one was detected straight away, and they also caught a shadow which a follow-up MRI identified as another tumour. I'm left to think that had I been called for screening it would have been caught earlier, and maybe they would have caught it with the first tumour which might only have required a smaller surgery.

Sharon went on to have a full mastectomy and breast reconstruction in October 2020 followed by further surgeries and hormone therapy. 

Photo: Sharon Greaves 

Caroline O'Sullivan, Cancer Nurse at the Irish Cancer Society said, "Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Ireland. Over 3,500 women and approximately 35 men are diagnosed with it each year. It is vital therefore that everyone be 'breast aware'. Thankfully most breast cancers are diagnosed at an earlier stage. The earlier you are diagnosed, the more treatment options are available to you, including surgery, radiotherapy, and drug therapies." 

You can support the 'Care for Your Pair' campaign by hosting a Big Pink Breakfast or making a donation to fund vital breast cancer research and support services this October (visit  for more information). 

All funds raised through 'Care for your Pair' will go directly to support breast cancer patients like Leona, Bernie and Sharon, by providing crucial cancer services, such as the Irish Cancer Society Support Line, Volunteer Driver Service, Night Nursing Service and free counselling. 

Changes in your breasts to be aware of, according to the Irish Cancer Society: 

•    A lump or thickening in your breast or armpit.

•    A change in the size or shape of one breast.

•    A change in the skin of your breast, like puckering or dimpling (the skin may look like orange peel).

•    A breast abscess (infected boil) – this may appear as a red, tender area on your breast.

•    A change in your nipple, like a pulled-in, sunken or flattened nipple.

•    An unusual discharge (liquid) from one or both of your nipples – the discharge may be blood-stained or watery.

•    A change on or around the nipple, such as a rash or flaky or crusted skin.

•    Swelling in your armpit or around your collarbone.

•    Breast pain alone is not usually a sign of breast cancer.

These symptoms can be caused by other things, but always get them checked by your GP.

How can I check myself?

1.) Get to know what's normal for you – how your breasts look and feel. 

2.) Know what to look out for, like lumps or other changes to the look and feel of your breast or nipple.

3.) Look for changes in the mirror and feel for changes, too. You could do this when you are in the shower, when putting on moisturiser or when lying down. 

4.) Check all parts of your breast, your armpits and up to your collar bone.

5.) Discuss any changes with your GP – without delay

Check your breasts regularly. You have a better chance of cure and recovery if breast cancer is diagnosed early, before it has grown bigger or spread to other parts of the body. Learn what looks and feels normal for you and check your breasts every month. Talk to your GP if you notice anything unusual. 

If you are concerned about breast cancer, call the Irish Cancer Society's Support Line on Freephone 1800 200 700. You can also find out more at . 

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