Tips For Keeping Your Feet Fresh So You Don't Have To Worry ... - Glam

Just as you wouldn't wear stinky, crusty, dirty socks the next day again (at least, we hope!), you shouldn't be wearing stinky, crusty, dirty shoes again the next day. If you're trying to get rid of a foot odor, consider taking a few hours of your day every now and then and giving your shoes a good deep cleaning. There's a whole slew of products on the market that can help you with your deep clean session, including stain and odor removers, sprays, and powders.
Of course, you can always just throw your shoes in the wash (as long as it's appropriate for them), but that doesn't always guarantee that your shoes will come out smelling perfectly fresh. Do a deep cleaning on your shoes by completely cleaning them inside and out with soap and water, then scrubbing them down with an odor-killing solution; let them dry completely before using them again, and then add a freshly-scented patch or satchel to each shoe after each use to prolong the fresh scent of your shoes.
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