Chronic Sinusitis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment - Verywell Health
Chronic sinusitis (sinus infection) is sinus inflammation lasting three months or longer. Your sinuses are hollow spaces in your cheekbones, around your eyes, and behind your nose. These areas are moist with mucus that help filter, warm, and moisten the air you breathe. Inflammation and infection can occur if something prevents the mucus from draining properly. This article will help you identify the symptoms of chronic sinusitis and learn about its causes, diagnostic procedures, and treatment options. PeopleImages / Getty Images Chronic Sinusitis Symptoms The primary indicator of chronic sinusitis is the duration of symptoms. If you experience sinusitis symptoms for three months or more, it's considered chronic. General symptoms of sinusitis include the following: You may only have a few of these symptoms. Loss of smell can also be a symptom of COVID-19. Even if you do not think you have been exposed, take a COVID-19 test to ensure...