Vaginal Boil:What It Looks Like, Treatment & Prevention, Per Experts - Women's Health

While the term vaginal boil gets quite a few Googles every month, usually people doing the search are looking for information on bumps they've discovered on the vulva rather than in the vagina. That's why "vulvar lesion" is the term doctors use with patients and in medical literature, but we'll use "vaginal boil" and "vulvar lesion" somewhat interchangeably throughout this article.

Let's back up and define what a vulvar lesion even is: It's a "lump or pustule that is fluid- or pus-filled on the external skin of the female genitalia," explains Catherine Hansen MD, MPH, head of menopause at Pandia Health, a women-founded, women-led, doctor-led birth control delivery service. Vulvar lesions don't actually involve the vagina (which is why "vaginal boil" is somewhat of a misnomer), but instead could pop up on the mons pubis (hair bearing area over the pubic bone), labia majora (larger vulvar lips with hair), or labia minora (small lips without hair), says Dr. Hansen.

The good news is most vulvar lesions resolve on their own with home treatment. Bumps and lumps always make people nervous because the mind goes immediately to the worst possible thing, says Alyssa Dweck, MD, an ob-gyn in Westchester County, New York — like a type of cancer or a sexually transmitted infection (STI). But "most vulvar bumps are benign and in fact quite common," Dr. Dweck says.

Keep reading for everything you need to know about vulvar lesions, including how to treat them safely.

Meet the experts: Catherine Hansen MD, MPH, is head of menopause at Pandia Health, a women-founded, women-led, doctor-led birth control delivery service.

Alyssa Dweck, MD, is an ob-gyn in Westchester County, New York, and author of The Complete A to Z for Your V.

Meghan Klavans, MD, is an ob-gyn at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

Sherry Ross, MD, is a gynecologist with 25 years of experience in Santa Monica, California.

What exactly is a vaginal boil?

Boils (or lesions) are infections that occur in the skin and hair glands, Dr. Dweck says. "They are puss-filled and similar to a pimple," she notes. Visually they will look red or swollen, and you might even see pus oozing out of the boil, if it's in its later stages.

vaginal boil

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Again, know that "vaginal" boils are more likely to form on the vulva rather than near the vaginal opening or inside the vaginal canal, Dr. Dweck says. That means you'll find them on the soft outer lips (the labia) or near where the vagina meets your inner legs (where lots of rubbing or chafing might occur). They are quite common and, again, they are often benign, Dr. Dweck says.

How do you know it isn't a vaginal cyst, a closed pocket of tissue on or near the vagina? A vaginal cyst is usually filled with fluid, and it's painless, slower growing, and smaller in size, says Meghan Klavans, MD, an ob-gyn at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. A Bartholin's Cyst or abscess, on the other hand, is bigger, can come up quickly, and is extremely painful, per Dr. Hansen.

What about STIs? Well, a vulvar lesion can be a symptom of certain STIs. Genital herpes generally appears as one or more blisters around the genital area, and the blisters break and leave behind painful, ulcerated lesions, Dr. Klavans says. However, genital herpes can often present in confusing ways so don't hesitate to talk to your doctor if you're concerned, per Dr. Hansen. Two other STIs that could involve vulvar lesions are condyloma acuminata (genital warts), which can cause raised lesions that vary in shape and size, and molluscum contagiosum, which is a raised lesion that can occur on the vulvar skin, Dr. Hansen explains. Also, syphilis has a phase that includes a vulvar lesion.

"Again, all lesions on the female external genitalia should be examined to determine their true diagnosis," notes Dr. Hansen. Vulvar lesions can occur on their own, or be a symptom of something else going on, like an STI.

What are the symptoms of a boil in the vaginal area?

When it comes to symptoms, you'll likely feel a vulvar lesion before you see it. Physically they will likely feel painful or bruise-like, Dr. Dweck says, and might also be inflamed and come in multiples rather than just a single boil.

Why does a boil surface in the area around the vagina anyway?

If you're someone who regularly removes your pubic hair or the leg hair around your vulva area, you might be more prone to boils than others, Dr. Dweck notes. This is especially true shortly after the hair removal, especially if you opt in to waxing or shaving.

"Boils tend to form in hair-bearing areas that are moist and not easily aerated," Dr. Dweck says. This makes your vagina and vulva the perfect storm kind of area for boil formation, given that it typically has a breadth of hair growth and can be a bit constricted in tight underwear or clothing.

You can also get boils for similar reasons on other areas of your body, Dr. Dweck says, most commonly near or on your underarms (another hairy, sweaty, and must-prone region).

Another reason a boil may surface is from the spread from self or others (oral HSV aka viral cold sores are often spread to the genitalia either from self-contamination or from oral sex), notes Dr. Hansen.

How can I prevent vaginal boils?

Be sure to allow this area to breathe by wearing loose-fitting clothes, avoiding undergarments when sleeping, and going "commando" whenever you can, Dr. Hansen says. "Regularly clean with water and skip harsh cleaners that would eliminate the healthy and necessary flora that keeps the vulva and vagina clean," she adds. Also, make sure to wipe front to back so that any breaks in the skin do not become infected with bacteria that are pulled forward.

Another tip: Opt for waxing over shaving, but be sure any wax treatments take place in a hygienic place with a good reputation. You may even consider laser hair removal, which may cause skin breakdown at first, but the damage to the hair follicle means that there will be less risk in the long term for folliculitis, a cause of a vulvar lesion, Dr. Hansen says.

How long does it take for a vaginal boil to go away?

In short, a vulvar lesion will typically take anywhere from a few days to two weeks to go away. It may disappear on its own or, like a pimple, it may even come to a head, Dr. Dweck says.

A boil may even pop completely on its own, excreting a whitish, pus-like material, she says. At times you might find blood coming out of it. If this happens, be sure to disinfect the area, apply healing ointment like Neosporin and, if possible, cover the boil with a bandage.

Definitely avoid any further hair removal at this point, as it can only further irritate your situation. You'll likely need to wait for the boil's pus to drain completely before you notice any healing occurring, Dr. Dweck notes.

Are vaginal boils contagious?

"Not all lesions are contagious, but many are," says Dr. Hansen. So: "If there is a lesion on the external genitalia, it is best to avoid all forms of sexual contact until it is determined that it is not an STI and/or contagious."

Unfortunately, condoms will not change the answer, either: "Condoms (male or female ones) are not proper protection to avoid the spread of a lesion if it turns out to be contagious," notes Dr. Hansen, so avoidance of sex is best for the time it takes to figure out what it is, get treatment and/or allow it to fully heal.

However, Dr. Hansen says sexual self-stimulation is a-okay, as long as you can avoid the lesion so it doesn't spread, and be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before touching anything, including your face or other body parts, and properly disinfect any sex toys you have used to avoid contamination.

Are there any ways to get rid of a vaginal boil fast?

Definitely do not try to squeeze or pop it yourself—that can make the pain and inflammation worse, and it's likely that the infection will spread, says Sherry Ross, MD, an ob-gyn in Santa Monica, California.

Instead, use a warm compress to relieve discomfort, wear loose pants and underwear so you're not restricting the area, and give it time to heal, Dr. Ross says. As mentioned, you can also apply a topical antibiotic ointment and cover it with a bandage to speed up the process, Dr. Dweck says.

All in all, your boil should drain spontaneously on its own, Dr. Dweck says.

Dr. Klavans also recommends taking a sitz bath two to three times per day. A sitz bath is a soothing warm soak specifically for your perineal area, the region between your legs and including your anus and vagina. It's made up of water and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) or salt.

If antibiotic therapy is needed for a vaginal boil, your doctor will prescribe one for you, Dr. Klavans says.

Should I be worried about any complications of a boil?

Vaginal boils have the potential to develop into a severe skin infection called cellulitis, Dr. Dweck says, although it's unlikely.

Cellulitis is caused by a crack or lesion that allows for bacteria to come through the skin barrier, according to the Mayo Clinic. This is why you should definitely not pop or squeeze a vagina boil. If left untreated, cellulitis spreads rapidly to your lymph nodes, which can be life-threatening.

And while it's rare, it's also possible for an open vaginal boil to allow for the contraction of bacteria that could lead to sepsis or a blood infection, Dr. Dweck says. Again, these issues are caused by harmful bacteria making its way past your skin barrier — so steer clear of rupturing the boil.

When To See A Doctor

If you can't easily explain what caused your vulvar lesion (i.e. recent shaving or ingrown hairs), Dr. Hansen recommends seeing your doctor right away because it will need to be properly diagnosed, sometimes with a swab at your doctor's office, while it is still fresh. "Once a herpes lesion has dried up, the swab will be less accurate and a diagnosis may be difficult," she explains.

And even if you do think you know what caused it, if it persists after days and weeks, is growing larger in size, is accompanied by red streaks around the skin, or you develop a fever, chills, or flu-like symptoms, visit your gynecologist for medical attention, Dr. Dweck says. They may prescribe antibiotics and, if necessary, safely lance and drain the boil to help get rid of the infection, Dr. Ross says.

What about if you are pregnant? "Definitely have it examined to rule out herpes," Dr. Hansen reiterates. "Herpes during pregnancy can cause severe complications for the baby and needs to be properly addressed by an obstetrician regardless of when it occurs during pregnancy."

And as always, listen to your body—if you're wondering if you should see your doctor, you probably should.

Headshot of Ashley Martens

Ashley Martens is a wellness writer based in Chicago. With a lifelong passion for all things health and wellness, Ashley enjoys writing about topics to help people live happier and healthier lives. With a foundation in fitness, food, and nutrition, Ashley covers it all including sexual health and travel topics. Ashley is also a NASM-certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor.

Headshot of Catherine Hansen, MD, MPH

Catherine Hansen, MD, MPH, FACOG, FRCSC, NCMP, is a board-certified ob-gyn, certified menopause practitioner, and head of menopause at Pandia Health, a women-led control delivery service. She completed her residency in obstetrics and gynecology followed by a fellowship in sexual health, a certification in menopause, and a strong alignment with an integrative approach to care. 

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