The Real Reason Raw Eggs Are Generally Safe To Eat In Japan - Mashed

Those living in or visiting Japan might be able to breathe a sigh of relief if they typically consume raw or undercooked eggs. According to Kids Web Japan, Japan has a process to help curb the potential of putting any salmonella-ridden eggs on store shelves. Dubbed Japan's "super egg machine," the device actually has the ability to check inside of the egg to ensure that bloodspots are not present, using spectroscopic analysis. The machine also cleans the eggs without breaking their shells, dries them, and packages them so they are safe for human consumption.
Reddit users started a thread about Japan's ability to provide clean eggs to consumers, though some caution that the process isn't foolproof. "A lot of people eat raw or undercooked eggs daily, so the safety of eating raw eggs is very important," one Reddit user wrote. "There are still cases of salmonella every year though." While it might not be impossible to get salmonella from eggs in Japan, it would seem that this "super egg machine" certainly helps mitigate the risk.
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