Study: American dog ticks reported in Summit County for the first time - Summit Daily

New research shows that American dog ticks are now present in Summit County.

The research was compiled by researchers at Colorado State University in Fort Collins and tick data was collected by citizen scientists in Colorado as part of a free tick testing program offered by Bay Area Lyme Foundation, a leading sponsor of Lyme disease research in the U.S.

While most people commonly expect ticks in the spring when tick eggs hatch, evidence shows that ticks are present and active year-round, particularly in temperate climates on the Front Range of Colorado. Researchers say warmer temperatures from climate change are allowing ticks to expand their range.

Ticks are known to carry viruses, bacteria and neurotoxins that can cause Colorado tick fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tick-borne paralysis.

The researchers note that people in Summit County are less likely to expect ticks during the late fall and winter, but people should still be doing routine checks in the spring.

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