Why Is My Throat Sore? | URMC Newsroom - URMC

Find out if that little scratch is as serious as strep throat, or as simple as allergies.
A sore throat in the mornings can go hand in hand with winter weather and dry air. But how can you tell when a sore throat is just a symptom of a cold or allergies, and when it may be something more serious?
UR Medicine nurse practitioner and infectious disease expert Kelly Farrow breaks down the key signs and symptoms of strep throat.
How can I tell if my sore throat is just allergies or a cold?
If a sore throat is caused by allergies or a mild cold, you'll usually be able to go on with your day without too much difficulty. If you're not experiencing fever or fatigue in addition to the sore throat, then it is likely due to something non-infectious like allergies. Sometimes mild colds can also start with a sore throat and few or no other symptoms.
How can I tell if my sore throat is a sign of strep throat?
Unlike with a mild cold or allergies, if you have strep throat, you will likely feel very ill. In addition to a very sore throat that hurts more when swallowing, you will experience extreme fatigue and fever. You may also have swollen lymph nodes in the neck. To get an accurate diagnosis, it's important to connect with a healthcare provider. You can set up an on-demand video visit by following these simple steps.
What causes strep throat?
Strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection, called group A streptococcus. The infection causes pharyngitis, inflammation at the back of the throat. But that inflammation, pharyngitis, is most frequently caused by respiratory viruses, not group A strep (which causes only about 10% of cases of sore throat). Strep throat is more common in children and very young adults than it is in adults.
Is strep throat contagious?
Yes. However, it's less contagious than other common illnesses, such as COVID-19 or the flu. It's most commonly spread through particle droplets between close contacts, meaning family members, intimate partners, or young kids sharing toys.
Can you get strep throat without tonsils?
Yes. Because strep throat affects the lining of the throat, even those who have had their tonsils removed can still get it.
Do antibiotics cure strep throat?
Yes. While it is possible for cases to resolve on their own in 3-5 days, antibiotics, like penicillin, can shorten the duration of illness by making the symptoms less severe, help you recover quicker, and prevent the spread to others. Learn more about staying healthy and safe while taking antibiotics.
If you're not feeling well, UR Medicine offers on-demand video visits that will let you speak with a provider from the comfort of your home. If you're having symptoms that indicate something serious, such as difficulty breathing or chest pain, visit an urgent care center near you.
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